When I say these two innocent little words there is always one of two responses displayed. Either the person screws up their face in repulsion at the thought of offal and humans consuming such a thing, or, more rarely, the person nods in agreement with me about how great they are.
We began with chicken livers when I wanted to make some pate for presents one year. I didn't really know what to do with them but Waitrose had a small leaflet explaining how to make it and since I enjoyed eating pate I reasoned that it could n

ot be so difficult to make some. How right I was. Chicken liver pate is so simple it's ridiculous and the results are soooo delicious.
At times when cash is tight and we've decided to economise we bought some chicken livers, tossed them in seasoned oil and then fried them in butter with a splash of sherry I was an instant convert. They are sooo delightful and pink and juicy. I love them on toast or on a salad.

y I had my love of chicken livers shared when
Paul Rankin did a recipe starring them on Saturday Kitchen. I can't wait to make this recipe. It has an.... eclectic array of ingredients that even I would ponder about mixing together (cream, soy sauce, ginger, butter), but the final result looked so good I can't resist. I'll let you know how it goes. I doubt it will be terribly photogenic though.