I always like to try new foods and today I bought this vegetable today in the Indian cash and carry in a nearby town. I have no idea what it is. The woman in the shop did tell me but I didn’t recognise the name and now I can’t remember even how the name sounded. She told me it’s very bitter but good for your health. She suggested frying it in a little oil and eating it with potatoes and garam masala added. Sounds yum! Any suggestions on what the vegetable might be will be gratefully received – I can’t find it in any of my ethnic cookbooks…
It's a bitter melon, so-named for obvious reasons. Definitely an acquired taste! There are smoother versions and bumpy versions like this one. Related to cucumbers, it used to be grown as an ornamental in old English gardens as Balsum Pear. Shortly after this edible stage, the fruit turns bright yellow, then yellow orange and splits open revealing seeds covered with bright red gelatinous coating. However, at the stage shown, it is a common food item in Asian, African and other tropical regions of the world. Also used as a malaria treatment in Africa. There's a bitter melon society with there own website.
Wow that is really interesting! How do you know this?
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