Baby's age counter

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Lil baby

Here is a photo of our baby girl. She's a week old in this picture and taking her first bath! Unfortunately she looks a little yellow due to jaundice but overall I think super-cute!!!

She really liked her bath which surprised me as I thought it would be a blood-curdling screaming event but I was wrong!

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Baby came early!

Not got a lot of energy to write too much but our little baby Immy arrived early, last Tuesday (13th October) and we've had a whirlwind week. She is (of course) the cutest baby in the world and has given us great joy. She's also worn us both out! Still, it's more than worth it when you see her cute little face.

I'll post again when I have photos and more energy!

Saturday, 10 October 2009


So the chickens lives have changed a lot in the last month. This time a month ago they were rescued from the battery farm where they had only had the equivalent of an A4 sheet of paper to stand in, unable to stretch out their wings, scratch the ground or rummage about.

This week we decided to let the chickens out of their run and into the vegetable patch. The veggie patch has now been cleared!

So now we've let them out into the wider garden. They love it!! However, I don't think it'll be long until they have cleared all the weeds and will start on the grass. DH is not impressed. I think it's marvellous as I can't think of anything more boring than weeding.