Baby's age counter

Wednesday 13 June 2007

Has the whole school gone crazy?

It always amuses me when the weather gets sunny. The British are so used to grey, drizzly weather that as soon as the sun pokes its way through the clouds we become fixated by it. Everywhere you look people start dressing in brighter colours, smiling and generally cheering up a great deal. What would happen if we had hot weather all year round? I suppose we’d become used to it and take it for granted. It’s much better to have it as a treat.
The only objection I have to the hot weather is the effect it has on my classes. They traipse in looking like they’ve been fully dressed through a grass-lined tumble-dryer. Ties hanging by their bellies, skirts rolled up and shirts open as if they’ve been to the beach during lunchtime. This is all very well but for some reason the way they’re dressed has a huge effect upon their attitude to learning. You start getting comments like “but Miss it’s too hot to work!” and “do we have to wear our ties?!” The biggest problem with this is that I too am over-heating in a computer room with no air, windows that are barely able to be opened and thick sticky sweat smells. Delightful. I’ve a good mind to tell them all to go home and relax but that probably wouldn’t go down well with SLT.
Instead I have to revert to Miss Tough-Enough and push forward with the work. Perhaps a little bit of rain wouldn’t go amiss after all…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know exactly what you mean... Be a dragon. They'll love you for it in the end...