Baby's age counter

Friday, 31 October 2008

Clotted cream spinach soup

The title conjours up a strange soup. It was more a soup of what needed eating from the fridge.
I simply steamed some spinach and blended it, added it to some lightly fried onion and garlic, added water and stock powder and heated. When the soup was hot I stirred in some clotted cream. It was an incredibly rich soup and the bread you see in the background barely got a look in!
It was a lovely lunch on a cold autumnal day.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

House selling

Another exciting development this month is we've put our house on the market. We've found one we like up the road so we thought we'd see if we can sell our house to buy this one! It's only been a couple of weeks and we've had a few viewings but this has also been stressful.
For those of you who know me in person, I am not a tidy person. My idea of tidying up is to put everything into a pile and hope it disappears. It's been tough to have everything put away all the time. Even in the kitchen I have to keep everything all nice and clean. It's killing me! So the sooner we sell and can get moving the better.

Obviously a big barrier to us moving is the state of the economy. Or maybe I should re-phrase that into the state of the economy according to the scare-mongering media. Yes, I agree prices have gone up and that we're likely to go into recession at some point but I am getting sick to death of all the news stories implying that the world is about to end.

Even if the world is about to end, there really is no point in getting everyone into a complete frenzy over it. Recession is a natural thing to occur and we should be grateful that it's not happened before now as we're due one approximately every 20 years. But really, what is the point in making everyone sad and fearful when there is actually little anyone can do?

I think that we'll probably go into a recession quicker because of the media. People are cancelling plans and putting spending on hold. That is just the kind of behaviour that will push our country into a recession. I guess the only up-side to all this Credit Crunch hoo-haa is that we're not having to hear quite so much about the US election!

The baby's ill!

Our little cat has been really ill this week. He nearly died on Sunday and then during the week we were given the option of paying through the nose or having him put down. We have paid for him to have all the treatment he needs and we're still just sitting with him with our fingers crossed.
I always thought people were mad to get to upset when they lost a pet, but now I understand. There have been tears and a general air of sadness in the house this week, which is really awful.
He's had an operation and needs to recuperate over the weekend so we're in charge of caring for him. We have to check various things every FOUR hours - even through the night. I thought I was tired last night but it's nothing to how tired I am now
I am not sure I could have children if this is how stressful it is when they're ill. Keep your fingers crossed for the baby/cat!

New job update

September flew by. The new job has been going well and there has been a lot going on.
I was surprised with the new job with how different it is from my last one. Before, I was in a comprehensive for children aged 11-18. Now I'm at a College so most of the kids are older.
I have been shocked with some of the kids at my new College. I have been used to a variety of kids, mostly pleasant but many of them with problems.
I figured moving to work at a College would mean I wouldn't have such issues to deal with. Surrey is, after all, prosperous. However with that other problems are brought to light. For example, those kids who are used to being molly-coddled and having their coursework written for them have had a shock. I don't do that.
Then there are the kids who think that they are the bees-knees. I'm not sure they all have the same reasons for behaving like that but they all need sorting out too. They can't wait til March when they get their first set of AS results back to realise that they need to knuckle down.
However there are still the majority of kids who are similar to those I taught before: motivated, friendly and hard-working. They just seem to be lost amongst the others.